The stories and adventures of two brave puppies, say "hello" to Poochee & Pansy!
Dolst Family Entertainment™ and Altjeringa Entertainment™ are proud to present Poochee & Pansy, a story about courage and friendship overcoming adversity. Poochee and Pansy are best friends who live on Puppy Hill. They are summoned by an unexpected call for help and the adventure begins!
Poochee & Pansy is a show created by the kind souls at Dolst Family Entertainment™ about two puppies named Poochee and Pansy, their friends, and the adventures they go on to stop the evil plans of the Witch. Every episode is like a story, and you get to see what happens for yourself!
Watch the official first season here, courtesy of YouTube!
Note from Altjeringa Entertainment™: Curious viewers have inquired about alleged "bizarre" imagery and sounds in the videos, but we have yet found no evidence of such. We thank you for your interest in Poochee and Pansy!